Viron Inverter Heat Pump
Heat pumps absorb 80% of the heat in the air to help heat the pool: that means free heating! Heat Pumps allow your pool to stay consistently warm and comfortable to swim in, regardless of the outside weather temperature. Maximise your pool usage through the year by extending swimming time. In some areas of Australia that can mean all year round! AstralPool Heat Pumps are state of art technology which means increased efficiency means reduced energy bills and is environmentally friendly.
For every 1 kW of electricity consumed, AstralPool Heat Pumps will collect up to 13 kW of heat from the atmosphere. Sunshine is not necessary and your Heat Pump will continue to heat your pool in air temperatures as low as 7 degrees. So even if the nights are cold, or the days leading up to the weekend are cool, your AstralPool Heat Pump can heat and maintain your pool water temperature at a comfortable swimming temperature.
Unlike many other heat pumps, the corrosion proof titanium heat exchanger is enclosed in a purpose designed and fully injection moulded housing for maximum strength and long life. The fully moulded plastic Heat Pump case is impervious to corrosion and guarantees maximum life regardless of location, “seaside” tropical north or outback.
A nearly silent compressor moves the refrigerant gas through a coil (called evaporator) through which air is forced and collects heat from the surrounding atmosphere. The now superheated refrigerant gas then passes through a titanium heat exchanger (called a condenser) which transfers the heat into the pool water and the cycle starts again.
AstralPool Heat Pumps are an environmentally friendly option to heat your pool. Operating on a similar principle to your refrigerator or air conditioner, Heat Pumps use environmentally friendly refrigerant gas that extracts the latent heat from the air and transfers this heat into the pool water.

Solar Pool Blanket
Installing a pool blanket can save you more than money and debris in the pool… You’ll be saving the sun’s natural warmth, eliminate evaporation and reduce running costs in terms of maintenance and pool chemical consumption. A cost effective and convenient way to save water and heat your pool at the same time, solar blankets are made from a film containing thousands of tiny bubbles which work together to collect and retain heat in your pool. The blanket floats on top of the water (bubble side down) and allows solar energy to pass through – trapping and retaining the heat in your pool. Warming your pool by up to 8º and reducing heat loss by up to 75% by simply reducing water evaporation.
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