
Oxidation removes swimmer wastes and destroys organic contaminants in the water. The role of BioGuard Pool Oxidisers, is to keep the pool water sparkling and clear of impurities. Oxidisers also remove chloramines, which are the result of Free Chlorine reacting with nitrogen-based material in the water. Chloramines are often the cause of skin and eye irritation, and the overbearing smell often blamed erroneously on the chlorine itself.

Pools Adelaide | Everclear Pools Solutions

Burn Out Extreme

Burn Out Extreme’s multifunctional granules provide a convenient and economical means for shocking swimming pools and for treating pools with chlorine demand and/or algae problems.

  • Ideal for solving chlorine demand issues.
  • Ensures sparkling clear pool water.
  • Improves filter efficiency.
  • Less skin and eye irritation than many chlorinating products.
  • No need to pre-dissolve.
  • Easy to use.
  • Storage and transport friendly.


BioGuard® Lite is a patented maintenance oxidiser for chlorinated pools with a unique blend of oxidising and clarifying agents that improves chlorine efficiency.

  • Easy to use.
  • Allows swimmers back into the water after an hour.
  • Makes maintenance a simple weekly process.
  • Storage and transport friendly.
Lite | Everclear Pools Solutions